Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Resources

National Human Trafficking Resource Center 24/7 Hotline

Call: 1-888-373-7888

Visit their Website Here

Local 24/7 Rape Crisis Hotline

Call: (530) 342-7273

National Sexual Assault Hotline

Call: 1-800-342-7273

Westside Domestic Violence Shelter

Call: (530) 865-4899

Visit their Website Here

Westside is located in Glenn County

Westside Domestic Violence Shelter offers safe and confidential counseling, court support and educational classes for women and children currently in or leaving a domestic violence situation. Westside also provides housing and case management for women and children, the location of housing is kept confidential for the protection and safety of participants, and the length of stay is open to 12 months.

Butte/Glenn Rape Crisis Services

Call: (530) 891-1331

2889 Cohasset Road, Suite 2, Chico, CA 95973

Rape Crisis Intervention and Prevention’s mission is to formulate, develop, and  implement services for survivors of sexual violence; in all of its forms, and their significant others. Rape Crisis Intervention and Prevention empowers clients to realize that they have choices and provides a supportive environment whether by phone or in person.

Glenn County Victim Witness

Call: (530) 934-6582

Visit their Website Here

People face many problems after becoming a victim of a crime. Victims often suffer from a physical injury or emotional trauma. Victims often feel alone and confused. A Victim Advocate assists victims with their immediate safety needs, their understanding of the criminal justice system and their financial, emotional and mental support, and legal resource information.

Local Law Enforcement

Glenn County Sheriff: (530) 865-1111

Orland Police Station: (530) 865-1616

Willows Police Station: (530) 934-6431

Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network (RAINN)

Call: 1-800-656-4673

Visit their Website Here

National Domestic Violence Hotline

Call: (800) 799-7233