Take Action!

Is a Resource Missing?

The Bathroom Stall Campaign is working to have information regarding available resources in Glenn County. If there is an organization or resource that you see missing from our website, please let us know!

Are you interested in getting involved with Suicide Prevention in Glenn County?

The Suicide Prevention Coalition is a collaborative group of individuals dedicated to taking action to address the high suicide rates in Glenn County. Our coalition welcomes all those who are interested in combatting this issue of suicide in our community.

Visit our Instagram

Visit our Facebook

Read our Strategic Suicide Prevention Plan (2023-2026)

The Suicide Prevention Coalition (SPC) meets the second Friday of each month via Zoom from 9am-10am.

If you are interested in learning more, contact: Elise Garrison (egarrison@countyofglenn.net) or Cindy Ross (cross@countyofglenn.net).

Join the Behavioral Health Advisory Board!

The Behavioral Health Advisory Board is comprised of community members, consumers/client members, and family member positions. Membership is a non-paid, voluntary basis. Membership affords an opportunity to advocate for and learn about the various challenges facing the community, including mental health and substance use disorder services.

For information about how to join:

Visit our Website

Call Cindy Ross, MHSA Coordinator: 530-865-6106

Partner with the Bathroom Stall Campaign!

Is your business or organization interested in participating in the Bathroom Stall Campaign? Feature our stickers in your employee or public restroom.

Contact Elise Garrison for supplies or more information.

Call or Text: 530-685-8627

E-mail: egarrison@countyofglenn.net